Hi Again!
Wow, its
been a crazy few weeks here and I apologize for the delay between now
and Thanksgiving. The past two weeks have been tiring, but a lot of
fun. We had a volunteer here from the UK teaching the girls dance
which was an absolute blast...While my dance did not improve too
much, the kids did a wonderful job learning new routines in
preparation for annual day. I'm cease to be amazed by these kids
ability to learn and catch on. In just a couple short days, the kids
were able to do several new routines which really blew me away.
While Sirjana has left us for the UK once again, the children
continue to practice to perfection, and I'm really looking forward to
their routines on Christmas Day!
addition to the dancing the extra-curricular championships started
Sunday and are in full swing...This is largely the reason for the
delay between posts. I've been waking up at 6 to get ready for the
day, and heading over to school at 630. As a result of the courts
being so heavily used at the moment, there is barely enough time in
the day to squeeze everything in. The first kids on the court each
day have been Abishek and Ubraj, who are both training for the Nepal
National tournament (alongside Goma and Socializa). We've been
practicing for about an hour each morning, and the boys are really
starting to kill me! I actually got massacred by Ubraj this morning,
and I'm delighted to see how far he has come. In just a couple short
months, he's really progressed, and I look forward to seeing his
performance in a couple of weeks. After practice, we've been having
the younger division of the championship compete from 730am-9am.
Thankfully, Abishek and Ubraj have been sticking around and helping
me coach the younger kids, who haven't had the same amount of
training. The first few days were a bit painful, as some of the
youngest kids were still having difficulty figuring everything out,
however, at the moment, we're halfway through day 4 of the tournament
and the play have been absolutely outstanding. To make things more
legitimate, we recently purchased new posts, a net, and chalk to
ensure the court is regulation size. Thank you to all of those who
donated, as it has been a fantastic upgrade to our previous playing
surface. After the girls conclude their morning portion at 9am, I've
been running home for a quick breakfast and then getting back to
school by 930, which is the beginning of first period to teach
computer. Beyond computer, I've actually been teaching second grade
quite a bit lately because their teacher has been absent. One of my
very best friends at home is a teacher, and until this experience I
don't think I fully understood the challenges of teaching. Being
prepared and energetic for 7 hours a day is BRUTAL, and I know I'm
being cliched but our teachers (especially the good ones) deserve a
great deal of credit and respect for all of the hard work it takes to
run a effective classroom. As for my teaching experience, for the
most part the kids are fantastic...there are a couple of the girls
that can be pretty sassy, but those tend to be the girls that I live
with so they just feel more comfortable around me and are more
inclined to talk back. Beyond that, I've really enjoyed teaching and
the opportunity it's given me to get to know more of the school
children. After school I've been jumping right back into the
tournament, for the older divisions...This portion runs from 330-545,
and can be a headache and a half. In addition to coordinating the
Badminton tournament, and working with Matt to make sure the Jr. Boys
soccer games are running correctly, I'm also having to fend of 50
little kids who want nothing else but a racquet and shuttle cock. By
the time afternoon sports ends I've been pretty tuckered, out but
fulfilled. Its always fun to come back to the house and commiserate
with the other fellows and swap stories from our days. This month
has been crazy, and you can see the bags under everyone’s eyes come
dinner time. Following dinner we've been doing our satsung, and then
I've been tutoring the boys in math afterward from roughly 8-9 or
930. Two days ago, I was forced to dig into Geometry proofs for the
first time in 11 years.... I feel like I've been rehashing the day
to day a lot, in recent posts, and I think its largely my excuse for
not updating the blog as much as I should!
Getting Serious |
Reffing some Badminton! |
Jr. Boys Football! |
regards to my well being, I actually had to deal with one of my more
challenging experiences as a mentor and coach on Day 1 of the
tournament. Two of my absolute favorite girls, Goma and Socializa
(who coincidentally are the two training for nationals) matched up in
the first game of the first day. Since none of you know either of
these girls, I can tell you that they are incredible at everything
they put their hands on. Goma lives in the house, and on top of
being one of the best badminton players, she is a dynamite dancer,
and without fail my first selection when we play frisbee for family
game. Well, during day one, she had her first taste of defeat after
a really hard fought match which was a very bitter pill to swallow.
As a coach to both of these girls, it was brutal to see the
disappointment in one one of their eyes, and I couldn't help but feel
personally accountable. Of course one of the girls had to lose, but
the reaction was difficult to stomach, and it took a few days for my
all star Goma to fully get over her loss. When talking to her about
what happened, I called upon one of my favorite references from
Batman Begins...and I think she learned that sometimes we fall down,
but the reason that we fall down is so that we can learn to pick
ourselves back up! Thankfully, she's picked herself back up and had
a dominating performance on the court yesterday.
Goma Back in Action! |
addition to sports, time just continues to fly over here. I can't
believe that I've been here for nearly 3 months, and only have about
3 months left at Kopila Valley. I continue to grow and learn each
and every time I interact with others, or step foot out of my room.
Whether its engaging in spirited debates with the other fellows, or
hearing more about the children's stories, I can't help but feel that
I'm becoming a fuller person as a result of this experience. Just
the other day, Maggie was telling me about the Prime Minsters
daughter, and her thoughts on Kopila Valley. The daughter is a huge
advocate of everything happening here, and believes strongly that the
actions of one individual, can positively impact the entire country.
There are over 350 people impacted directly by Maggie, and countless
others who see indirect benefits from Maggie's involvement in the
country. As my time here continues, I can't help but think how much
of a difference “another Maggie” would make in the lives of 350
other individuals!
One one
final note...we're happy to welcome Sarah Kay to Kopila Valley. She
is an American poet. Known for
her spoken word poetry, Sarah is the founder and co-director of
Project V.O.I.C.E., a group dedicated to using spoken word as an
inspirational tool. Over the next few days, she'll be working with
our students, and fortunatley it sounds like I'll be able to sit in
on a class too! See the attached link to hear Sarah's Ted talk:
Holidays to everyone at home...and to my friends in DC happy Santa
Stumble weekend!