Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Happy Humpday - 17 days and counting!

Thought I’d give a little update to the blog and let everyone know about what is going on!   Time is flying, and I have just six days of work left until my last day, September, 7th.  Further, only ten more days until the Nations Triathlon.  I’m finally feeling ready to roll, which is largely the result of shifting to the three day a week swim routine.  Unfortunately, my primary pool is shut down for maintenance so I’ve had to make do elsewhere.  That being said, next week the workouts transition to the Potomac where I’ll be having some open water swims in preparation for the real deal!  I’ll be sure to keep everyone updated on those, swims and perhaps even throw up a picture in the Wetsuit if everyone is lucky!

As for Nepal, preparations are underway, not only for my extracurricular fellowship but for the betterment of Kopila Valley.  After speaking to Maggie, I agreed to bring over 50 pounds of medical supplies which should go a long way for the volunteers, children, and staff members over in Surkhet.  Additionally, after speaking with Maggie about some initial needs, I’ve made some purchases which should contribute towards the extracurricular program, including:
  •          An ultimate Frisbee for Frisbee games… Evidently this is enjoyed by kids and volunteers alike.
  •          Disc (Cones) for sports and games…For relay races and to mark boundaries for other activities.
  •          A set of pinnies, in order to coordinate teams and group for athletic and team building activities.
As I mentioned in my welcome, I am very receptive to ideas so shoot me and email or a message if anything comes to mind!

As one might guess, I am getting increasingly excited, albeit increasingly nervous for the big departure.  Maggie recently sent a “volunteer arrival” packet which outlines a number of things including; the kids' rules and expectations, toilets, drinking water, meal times, etc.  One of the more disconcerting items was the meal schedule, which I’ve listed below!

Breakfast: Every day, usually a small snack with tea. Changes daily. (Between 7:30-8a.m.)
Lunch: Is held at school even when school is not in session. Rice, beans, vegetable (12:00 p.m.)
Dinner: 6:00-6:30 Roti and vegetables. Spaghetti on Fridays and Meat stew on Saturdays. Kids who dont eat meat get eggs.

For those who know me well, I have quite the carnivorous appetite so this is going to be quite the change.  Despite the challenges that wait, I remain eager and excited about the road ahead.  I did not sign on for an easy experience, rather I signed on to make a difference not only in the lives of the Kopila Family but in my own life.  I recently came across this quote from Terry Crews (yes of White Chick’s fame), which I found particular applicable to the journey ahead:

“Embrace failure. Never never quit. Get very comfortable with that uneasy feeling of going against the grain and trying something new. It will constantly take you place you never thought you could go. This has been my mantra for years. I always remember I won't do things right on the first try. So failure is mandatory for success!”

The path ahead is filled with uncertainty and new experiences, but who knows; maybe I will end up in a place I never thought I could go!

Happy Humpday everyone, I will write again soon!

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